The iPIP platform brings members together to discuss issues, challenges and opportunities that may impact their professional growth in Ireland and abroad and develop business connections in Ireland and in Pakistan. It provides an avenue for ICT professionals to explore new opportunities and emerging trends in Irish, Pakistani, and global ICT Market.


Up-Coming or Last Successful Event

It gives us great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the IT Delegation from Pakistan 2023, in collaboration with the Embassy of Pakistan in Ireland and the Pakistan Ireland Business Council (PIBC). As a hub of innovation and technology, Ireland has much to offer to IT professionals from around the world. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to host a delegation of talented and accomplished IT professionals & companies from Pakistan, and to share insights, experiences, and best practices that can help us all to advance our industry. The collaboration between the iPIP, Embassy of Pakistan in Ireland and PIBC demonstrates the strong and enduring relationship between our two countries. We look forward to building on this partnership and exploring new avenues for collaboration and growth.
Meetup on 30th May 2023
Clayton Hotel Liffey Valley

More info

Know Your Strength Know your Opportunities

A platform setup by Irish Pakistani ICT Professionals, supported by ICT Professionals and for the benefit of ICT Professionals. So please do get involved to assist and to support.

Executive Body of iPIP

Dr Waseem Akhtar

Principal Advisor

Nawaz Zai

Ehsan Elahi

Zeeshan Khan

Ikram Khan

Ahmed Abdulwakeel

Afaq Khan

Mustafa Shuja

Muhammad Atif Bangash