Welcome to Irish Pakistani IT Professional Forum
If you are an Irish Pakistani IT professional, we are pleased to invite you to become member of iPIP. This platform will enable you to share ideas, build professional connections, develop capacity in various ICT fields which are highly in demand in Ireland's ICT sector, understand Irish tech start-up and entrepreneurial landscape and enhance your interpersonal skills.The iPIP platform brings members together to discuss issues, challenges and opportunities that may impact their professional growth in Ireland and abroad and develop business connections in Ireland and in Pakistan. It provides an avenue for ICT professionals to explore new opportunities and emerging trends in Irish, Pakistani, and global ICT Market.
IPIP Mission
Our Aims & Objectives
A number of like-minded Irish Pakistani IT professionals have been brainstorming the need for a platform that connects, strengthens, supports and represents Irish Pakistani IT professional living and working in Ireland. This platform should enable members to link up among themselves and with institutions & organizations in the public and private sector and progress both socially and professionally. This platform should also empower Irish Pakistani IT professionals as they deal with common challenges.
iPIP should enable members to build bridges between Pakistan and Ireland.
- Effectively engaging with organizations both in the public and private sectors that promote the development of the IT sector
- Hosting initiatives that promote professional, cultural and intellectual exchanges
- Representing the vibrant and successful community of Irish Pakistani IT professionals, sharing their success stories and contributing to Irish and Pakistani economic growth.
iPIP Committees will work on three equally important strands:
- Professional activities such as professional development, up-skills, jobs, consultancy, entrepreneurial and startup opportunities.
- Social activities such as hosting events for families and kids, and hosting information events for the member community from a social perspective.
- Networking with business and educational institutions both in the public and private sectors and with social and political influences.
Up-Coming or Last Successful Event
iPIP-CONNECT- Professional Networking Event Over Breakfast 15 September 2024

Irish Pakistani ICT Professionals (iPIP) Annual Networking Event 28th May 2024
Educational Online Events & Webinars
Co-Founders of iPIP

Dr Waseem Akhtar
Principal Advisor
![Lucan B2B Headshots - Nawaz [Option 2 - no logo]](https://ipip.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Lucan-B2B-Headshots-Nawaz-Option-2-no-logo-2.jpg)
Nawaz Zai

Zeeshan Khan

Ahmed Abdulwakeel
iPIP Core Committee

Hamza Afridi
Start Up Wing

Atif Bangash
Social Media & Data Privacy Wing

Muhammad Adnan
Communications Wing

Ikram Niazi
Events Wing

Ehsan Elahi
R&D Wing

Mustafa Shuja
E Commence Wing

Sabar Raza
Trainings Wing

Afaq Khan
e-Tender Wing