Flood mitigation measures should be considered in Pakistan.

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Flood mitigation measures should be considered in Pakistan.

Researched & Written by Atif Bangash
Founder, Business & Marketing Consultant
eCommerce & Social Media Marketing Expert


There is no Natural Disasters on earth. These all are human’s created bad management on earth. We cannot stop rain!… In Pakistan Monsoon rains don’t seem to be new, the matter is our departments did not manage these natural water resources and our mismanagement of natural resources turns in natural disasters.

We as so-cold an IT nation have fail to adopt and make information technology systems in our departments to form effective and efficient Decision Support Systems (DSS) that helps us to require in-time decisions to getting maximum benefit out of those natural water resource.

Rain waters bring life itself and natural resource to our plains, but after we fail to regulate these natural resources then it became natural disasters.

If our concerning departments start gathering data in numerous aspects and impact of monsoon then it’s possible to regulate or minimize the flooding disasters.

It’s important to grasp the effectiveness of individual measures in terms of flood mitigation impact when considering structural solutions for flood mitigation.

Depending on locality and also the nature of the flooding, variety of structural and non-structural mitigation measures could also be available. However, flood mitigation measures may only decrease the impact of flooding. No amount of intervention can stop heavy rain or flow of water.

Knowing your country’s flood history and developing a geographical and impact of flooding database of how floods behave in effected area provides you with the flexibility to retort in time to an impending flood. Monitoring the flow of water and rainfall forecasts can alert residents when the conditions which will lead to flooding could occur.

Structural flood mitigation is where physical structures are constructed or modified to cut back the impact of flooding on individual properties or whole catchments and include:

  • Infrastructure, including dams, levees, bridges and culverts
    • Maintenance of existing infrastructure
    • Individual flood proofing measures
    • Improved traffic access
  • Non-structural flood mitigation
    • Property surveys
    • Land use planning controls
    • Building and development controls
    • Catchment flood modelling
    • Early warning systems
    • Develop a household emergency plan
  • Access to information and warnings
    • Meteorological Department
    • Civil Defense Command & Control
    • Urban & Rural Emergency services
    • Road Reporting system

Infrastructure, including dams, levees, bridges and culverts

  • Maintenance of existing infrastructure
  • Individual flood proofing measures
  • Improved traffic access

Non-structural flood mitigation

  • Property surveys
  • Land use planning controls
  • Building and development controls
  • Catchment flood modelling
  • Early warning systems
  • Develop a household emergency plan
Atif Bangash
Atif Bangash
A ebusiness solution provider company in Dublin Ireland, We Provide Website designing and development, Web hosting, domain registration, SEO, social media marketing & ebusiness Consulting. GDPR Certified Practitioner. Consumer Data Protection Rights. EU CSRD Professional Certification.